Addons for MCPE 1.21.0

Hardcore Mode addon

If hardcore mode in Minecraft PE is too easy for you, consider installing this addon.

If hardcore mode in Minecraft PE is too easy for you, consider installing this addon. Minecraft is often considered an easy game for kids, but it’s definitely not true, and this addon proves it. For some time now, Bedrock has lacked the mode where the death is permanent, now you can fix it.

Spectator mode

What’s changed exactly?

  • Mobs become more aggressive and harder to kill.
  • Ranged mobs are Stormtroopers no more – now shooting more accurately.
  • Iron Golems is no longer your ally, more like a big threat.
  • Your hunger meter goes down faster – find food quickly.
  • You have only one life.
  • And more things to discover…

Try to beat Minecraft with hardcore addon ON, and Dark Souls will seem like an easy ride for you.

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