Actual Guns addon features more than 50 modern weapons, making it a must-have for Minecraft PE. Take your hands on realistic firearms, grenades, and cold weapons that will power up your character like never before. Every gun has a custom shooting sound and must be reloaded from time to time.

How to get weapons?
For now, the only viable option to get yourself a weapon is by typing the command into the chat. Just copy the command from below, put them into a chat, and press enter.
- /function getar – Assault rifles
- /function getarammo – Assault rifles ammo
- /function getetc – Explosive weapon and flamethrower
- /function getgrenade – Grenades
- /function getmelee – Melee weapons
- /function getshotgun – Shotguns
- /function getshotgunammo – Shotguns ammo
- /function getpistol – Pistols
- /function getpistolammo – Pistols ammo
- /function getsniper – Sniper rifles
- /function getsniperammo – Sniper rifles ammo
- /function getsmg – SMG
- /function getsmgammo – SMG ammo
- /function getheavy – Heavy weapons
- /function getheavyammo – Heavy weapons ammo
On how to reload the gun
To reload the gun, you’ll need to find ammo that matches your weapon. Hold ammo in your hand and use it just like if you were eating it. Each firearm takes a different time to reload. Usually, it’s the more powerful you’re using – the longer it takes to reload.

Here are the names of the weapons featured in the Actual Guns:
- Scar
- IMI Galil
- Galil AR
- AK-47
- Stun Rifle
- Garand (Ironsight)
- AK-74U
- Springfield (Ironsight)
- FAMAS (sneak and hit the air to switch to Burst mode)
- TAR-21
- STG-44
- M4A1 Carbine (sneak and hit the air to switch to Silencer mode)
- M4A4
- SG552 (scoopable)
- HK416 (sneak and hit the air to switch to Silencer mode)
- AK-12
- M16
- AK-47 60R
- G36C
- ARX-160
- G11 (sneak and hit the air to switch to Burst mode)
- Minigun
- M249
- MG42
- QBB-95
- Shining Heart Rod
- M60
- SMG:
- Skorpion
- P90
- MP7
- Tempest
- MP5
- Kriss (sneak and hit the air to switch to Silencer mode)
- MAC-10
- Bizon
- Thompson
- MP40
- Sterling Bayonet
- PPSh
- Sniper
- BFG 50
- KAR98
- Scout
- M200
- M107
- Mosin Nagant
- TRG-42
- Barrett M95
- Beretta
- King Cobra
- Lunger
- Magnum
- USP (sneak and hit the air to switch to Silencer mode)
- M1911
- Mauser
- TEC-9
- Five-SeveN
- Desert Eagle
- Colt SAA (Ironsight)
- Glock
- Void Avenger (summon a black hole that will suck every mob into!)
- Gunslinger
- Python Desperado (high knockback or high stun!)
- Bubble Gun (make people fly!)
- M1881
- M3
- AA-12
- SPAS-12
- XM1014
- Winchester
- Tomahawk (throwable)
- Blade Runebreaker (chargeable)
- Butterfly Knife
- Karambit
- G11
- Katana
- M9
- Ursus
- Bowie
- Nata Knife
- Brass Knuckles
- Kukri

Another great addon to check out is XM Guns.
What’s changed:
- Point Weapon: -M4A1 -AK-47 +M16A1 +SG552
- Added M4A1 Red Edition
- Icons of weapons from HQ DLC have been changed
- HQ DLC manifest has been updated to clearly indicate which guns it adds in 3D
- Matt’s KnifeBox DLC has been updated to fix the text color issue in the pack
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (4th generation)
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped (recoil increased for aim)
- The range is now 128 blocks
- Price of SG552 & AUG swapped
- M4A1 HQ Silenced inspect animation
- Seal Knife HQ not working if you select a skin from another weapon and then you switch back to it
- M16A1 HQ
- M4A1 Red Edition
7 replies on “Actual Guns addon”
I love guns i n Minecraft
can you make them realilistic!
How are they don’t look realistic to you?
how do i get the guns
Bro, there is literally a section about it, use commands.
It seems your behavior pack has multiple conflicting errors in the manifest. Just some knowledge on that.
Yeah, that’s coz the addon hasn’t been updated for a while.