Addons for MCPE 1.21.62

Dragon Mounts 2

Use salmon to tame every dragon added to the game. Tamed dragon will be your guard and riding vehicle at the same time. Every dragon species has its own key features that distinguish them from the other.

Dragons in MCPE
22 dragons will be added to the game

Dragons can be divided into a couple of categories: fire, frozen, poisonous/nature, lightning, ender dragons, and aether dragons.

Dragon Egg

How to tame and hatch dragons

Search the lands to find the dragon egg. They can often be found in the structures floating above the earth. Tap on the egg to start the hatching process. You can hasten the process by applying the Ender Eyes to the egg.

The hatched baby dragon can be tamed with fresh fish. Feeding more fish will grow the dragon faster. Adult dragons are rideable once the saddle is put on them.

Fire Breath attack

What’s the use of a dragon

  • You can use them as a mount.
  • Dragon Scales can be collected using Diamond Shears, a couple of scales would get used in crafting of Dragon Sword.
  • Diamond Shears – can be made if you want to collect Dragon Scales without violence.
  • Blaze Rod – while riding a dragon take a rod into your hands and press jump to throw a fireball.
  • Dragon Armor – protects dragons and makes them look bulkier.
  • Dragon Breath Potion – hold a potion in your hands and jump while on the dragon to perform a fire breath attack.
Aether dragon

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20 replies on “Dragon Mounts 2”

What seeds should i use for the map if i am using minecraft education since it works on that to

I think you just put the egg in a crafting slot and it turns into a hatchable egg and then you click/tap hold on it. Just a guess.

To ride the dragon click/hold tap on it. Then look up to go up, down to go down, straight to stay where your are.

hey john davis can we get a xenomorph mod and maybe map also i would like you to make a morph mod that allows you to morph into creatures that this mod comes with and morph with 1.16 mobs that would b great thanks

Hi I was just wondering if u could make a mod were elytras look like angel wings when u put them please I need then thx!

I hear the dragons close to me but i cant see them, so i jump whenever i hear them screech,any reason why? im on education edition.

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