Imposters are trying to eliminate all crew members and take control of your Minecraft PE world. The addon based on Among Us features two types of mobs – crew members and imposters.

The complexity of the original game comes from the fact that you can’t tell who’s an imposter until someone getting killed.

- Imposters – hostile towards players and crew members.
- Crew members – peaceful mobs that can be tamed by giving them bones.
- Pets – Henry Stickman, Ellie, Blue Dog, and Wall-eBrainslug.

You can become a crew member yourself, just type in chat the following – /replaceitem entity @p slot.armor.head 1

What’s changed:
- Added a new pet: Crab
- Added a new way to customize skins.
- Added suits and hats.
4 replies on “Among Us addon”
Your map is so fun I could play it all day
dose this work on minecraft edu
It should work.
can you become the imposter in this addon