Addons for MCPE 1.21.62

Better on Bedrock

Better on Bedrock, formerly known as Vanilla Plus, is a popular Minecraft PE addon aimed to enhance gameplay by adding new bosses, structures, biomes, and systems.

One of the most notable improvements in Better on Bedrock is the addition of numerous improvements to vanilla biomes. These biomes have exclusive structures, mobs, and ores, making exploring them exciting.

Beach biome

Tinted Netherite Armor is another new addition to the game. It is designed to protect players against Piglins while also providing full protection. The usage of a Gold armor piece to protect yourself against Piglins comes with the disadvantage of losing extra protection, while Tinted Netherite Armor offers the same stats as regular Netherite Armor.

Tinted Netherite armor

Copper Armor is stronger than leather but weaker than iron. It is ideal for early combat when exploring caves and facing numerous hostile mobs.

Players can also use Lootbags to get some quick resources. These are found in Trader Outpost chests and can be used by right-clicking them to get some resources.

Willager boss

The Quest System is a feature that provides players with quests to complete upon starting a new world. The quests are tiered, and each tier has specific goals for the player to complete. Upon completing a quest, players will receive a reward. Take bounties to hunt down a specific number of mobs for rewards.

With the Overworld Waystone Key item, players can create, save, and teleport to waypoints. By clicking on a Waystone, players can enter its name and save up to 10 locations. Each teleportation costs 3 XP levels and has a 60-second cooldown.

Forge Table

Grapes and Wild Carrots are two new food sources that can be found in the world. Grapes can only be found in Taiga Biomes and can be planted and grown for an infinite food source. Wild Carrots, on the other hand, can be found in Plains Biomes and have a small chance of dropping a regular carrot.

Wild Carrot

Vein Miner and Tree Capitator are two new enchantments that players can obtain by trading with a Goblin Trader or at the top of Battle Towers.


  • Fixed a crucial problem where item and block names didn’t match the item or block you were looking at
  • Fixed a bug that caused the spear model to be broken
  • Fixed broken spear textures
  • Fixed a bug where some custom mobs would not despawn

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