Dinosaurs finally made their way into the Minecraft PE thanks to yDino addon. The addon features 60 prehistoric species, herbivores, and carnivorous.

- You can tame some dinosaurs while they are babies using apple, wheat, carrots, or meat.
- You can ride the following dinosaurs Apatosaurus, lambeosaurus, edmontosaurus, iguanodon, albertosaurus, corythosaurus, tenontosaurus, and Achillobator. Don’t forget to put on a saddle.
- Dinos lay eggs, and you can collect them to hatch the eggs in a safe place and tame the baby.
- All dinosaurs drop leather.
- There are flying type and water type dinos as well.

Aside from dinosaurs addon also features a new biome, a machine that extracts DNA from dinos, and amber ore.